
AI-Driven Physician Scheduling Solution and Workflow Optimization

The Challenge

Fraser Health Authority and Deloitte are co-leading this AI project, with Burnaby Hospital and Eagle Ridge Hospital as the pilot sites for this initiative. This project seeks to leverage AI/ML-based solutions to resolve complex challenges facing the human resources supply chain for the FHA ecosystem, with an initial focus on the Emergency and Hospital Medicine departments. AI will enable accurate demand forecasting, optimization and simulation modelling of physician scheduling to achieve decreased workload, increased job satisfaction, shorter wait times, and improved patient experiences.



Scale AI investment


Total investment


“In this partnership, we are focusing on leveraging AI technology to improve our Health Human Resource scheduling and capacity planning. To begin, the AI model will support our physician scheduling activities at two of our twelve hospitals. We are excited about this partnership with Scale AI and Deloitte to embark on innovative solutions which will improve access to care for those we serve.”

— Jennifer MacGregor, Vice President, Digital Patient and Provider Experience, Fraser Health Authority
Made possible through the
financial support of
Gouvernement du Québec
Gouvernement du Canada

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